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Swimming Pools & Backyards

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Custom Pools & Backyards

The last few years, swimming pools have been the primary focus of our business. We are a licensed B100 General Contractor and can build you anything from a shed to a house. Though we do stay busy with a number of things, for most of our clients right now we are building pools and full backyard experiences.


The first step is a sit-down meeting where we can discuss what you have in mind. This meeting is a job interview both ways. We are very selective with our customers, and this meeting helps to ensure both parties will be able to maintain a professional relationship throughout the duration of the project. If we feel the professional relationship is a good fit, then we can begin talking design. We have clients who come to us with very particular ideas we help fine tune, and we also have clients who have completely handed us the reins. We have years of experience and are happy to present our ideas to you.


As part of our first meeting, we will take a 3D scan of your yard to ensure our design is custom fit to your yard. No two of our 3D designs are the same, the end result is a backyard oasis that is custom built for you. We come back to you with an initial design. We'll have both renderings and a 3D program where you can view it from any angle and ask us questions. After any changes are made, we'll come back with a final design and estimate. Once you have a chance to review your final design, you sign the contract and we get to work.


Because we love our clients, we offer free design work for them. However if you decide to not sign with us, we will charge for design time by the hour. This helps protect us and our business.

Non Custom Pools

We understand that not everyone wants a full custom backyard. Perhaps this isn't your forever home, or maybe you're on a budget. We do build more basic shape pools that are much simpler and more cost effective. These do require a basic design in order to be submitted to the city for a permit, but the designs are simple and done after we sign. We will happily give you a free sit-down meeting to discuss what you are looking for, and then we can give you a free estimate!



The Process

After signing, we begin working on your project immediately. The time it takes to get through all the paperwork is dependent on each situation. Things like engineering and pulling permits can vary project to project, however we make sure they aren't waiting on anything from us. Before we start tearing up your yard, we will have a pre-construction meeting. There we can go over expectations for your project, answer any questions you may have, and talk through the process. 


Though it may vary based on your project, here is the rough process to building your pool:

Planning & Layout

This is all of our planning, pemitting, etc. Then using your design, we layout the shape in your yard, make sure it feels good, then we can dig!


Using the specs from our engineer, we install rebar in the shape of your pool, typically spaced 12 inches apart.


Equipment Install

Now we can install all of your pool equipment (pumps, heater, filter, etc). Equipment has come a long ways in performance and efficiency in recent years.


We bring in a big machine and dig a big hole and trenches. From this point onward, your yard is a construction site and will be dirty.


This is one of the most fun days! Shotcrete, or shot concrete (often called gunite) is high pressure concrete shot around the rebar, forming your structure.

Coping & Decking

Coping is the 12 inches around your pool, decking is anything beyond that. Coping and decking can be concrete or other engineered materials.


Now we can run and install all the plumbing for your pool. Your plumbing gets stubbed up and pressurized for the duration of the project.

Tile & Cover Tracks

Once we have given the concrete enough time to dry, we can install tile! If you have a pool cover, this is when your cover tracks are installed.

Plaster & Swim

Arguably the favorite day, plaster day. Plaster goes over the shotcrete shell to give you a nice finish, as well as change water colors. Now we're ready to swim!

Computer Rendering
Computer Rendering
Computer Rendering
Rebar & Forming
Shotcrete Day
Tile Detail Raised Wall
Plaster Day


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